Tasha Mae

Community Cultivator, Lover of Life, Medicine Woman, Song Weaver, Dreamer & Spiritual Guide

A Safe Space to RELEASE.

You are welcome here.

We all carry our own unique medicine.

Tasha Mae is personally committed to helping you access your medicine and sharing it with the world!

About Tasha Mae Medicine

Meet Tasha Mae, a captivating force of healing and transformation. As an international yoga instructor, musician, educator, ceremonialist, integration coach, intuitive healer, and shamanic reiki practitioner, she weaves a tapestry of wisdom that will leave you yearning for more.

With her warm presence, Tasha effortlessly navigates between teaching yoga, guiding transformative group healing sessions, and sharing her healing songs at sacred ceremonies. Her authenticity and genuine compassion radiate, creating a safe space for all to embark on their healing journeys.

Tasha's intuitive downloads pepper her teachings, revealing the profound inner work she has undertaken. Her commitment to self-discovery allows her to skillfully guide others on their paths, empowering them to step into their sacred medicine.